Wednesday, April 9, 2014

April 2014 Budget Hearings

There are two important Subcommittee meetings pertaining to Adult Education in April.

Due to a life of rising tides I failed to post about the first Subcommittee meeting - too bad because these meetings are important opportunities to connect with Legislators.

Legislators are no different from you or me.  They have eight zillion things to do - sometimes ten zillion - and on top of that they need to understand and process things deeply in order to make wise decisions - and they even have personal lives, which rise and fall with their own tides.


When there is a meeting where Adult Education is going to be discussed, this is an important moment.  The busy Legislator has their mind open and on the topic.  The information that is presented at that time is important. 

We missed the moment for the first Subcommittee meeting - but not for the second.

Here is some information about both:

Hit the "read more" link to get the info.

1.  Tuesday, April 8 Assembly Budget Subcommittee #2

Assembly Budget Subcommittee #2 is scheduled to meet on Tuesday, April 8th at 9:00 a.m. in State Capitol, Room 444. The subcommittee will discuss adult education in the context of budget needs
Tuesday, April 8th at 9:00 a.m. in State Capitol, Room 444.

This Edsource article, "Assembly Subcommittee Pledges To Fight For Career Tech" details something important that came out of that meeting:

* "a key Assembly budget subcommittee signaled Tuesday it intends to fight to restore dedicated funding for career technical education programs that give students work experience."

* "At a hearing Tuesday, the committee unanimously approved two motions – both forwarded by Muratsuchi – calling on the state to maintain funding for career technical education."

"The programs had previously received a dedicated, or categorical, funding stream from the state, but the state’s new Local Control Funding Formula relaxes most categorical funding and allows districts to use money as they wish."

This is the situation all K12 Adult Schools find themselves in.  They are riding the MOE - Maintenance of Effort Clause - until 2015.  Then they come to the cliff of Thenwhat.  And then what happens?  Restored Designated Funding for K12 Adult Schools?  A single stream of money from the State that comes in through the Regional Consortia and is distributed between CC NonCredit Adult Ed and K12 Adult Ed how exactly?  And if things go that way, will the CC NonCredit programs be in some way "double-dipping" since Community Colleges receive money through apportionment?  No one knows.  Things are still in the goo phase.  And that's why we and you and me and them need to think and speak.  What do we want?   How do we want Adult Education to be funded?

* "More than three dozen speakers – many of them career tech students or former students – told legislators that, without a specific funding stream, the programs are a risk." 

Student Voice.  Your voice.  Our voice. 

Thinking. Writing.  Speaking. Going.

It matters.

Which brings us to the next meeting:

2.  Tuesday, April 29th Senate Budget Subcommittee #1

Thanks to CCAE Legislative Analyst Dawn Koepke for the following information:

Senate Budget Subcomitee #1 will meet on --- NEW DATE!--- Tuesday, April 29, 1:30 pm ----  in State Capitol, Room 3191. While the budget doesn't currently contemplate funding in the upcoming budget year, the Committees and their staff understand the critical needs on the horizon and their relationship to the discussions around the AB 86 regional consortia. This hearing will be an opportunity to provide an update on the key issues of importance to the K-12 adult education community as well as discuss the regional consortia efforts. The format of the Senate hearing has yet to be determined.

Lots of things have to be determined.

To tell the Subcommittee your recommended method, desired outcome, or share important info,
contact them here:

Senator Marty Block (Chair)
Senator Carol Liu
Senator Mark Wyland

Here is the Agenda:

6870      Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges
6120      California State Library
                Governor's Budget Proposal/April Finance Letters
6110      Department of Education
                Career Technical Education

You can also listen live to the hearing here:

It's never too late to be part of the process - because we always are! 

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