Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Some Of What I Learned

We're rounding the end of a rough year.

A year in which we did a lot and learned a lot.

Here's some of what I learned.

Hit the "read more" link to see them.

Monday, December 9, 2013

GED: Ch - Ch - Changes!


Big Change! 

Big, BIG change!

That's the word for Adult Education right now and not just in terms of structure, funding, and the creation of the new Regional Consortia system in California.

The GED, one of the core missions of Adult Education and the Big Daddy of climbing up your own bootstraps out of poverty into something better in the US of A, is changing.   

There are approximately 30 million adults in the U.S. without a high school diploma. And almost 700,000 of them take the GED test each year.   So a change in what the GED tests, how it is administered, and whether it's a for-profit or non-profit venture is a big deal.

The old test was a multiple choice type test.  Students prepared for it on their own with the support of teachers.  They worked alone at their desks and consulted with a teacher in the room with them, as needed. And it was run by a non-profit, the American Council on Education.

As of January 1, 2014, that's all changing.

Hit the "read more" link to learn how.