This is a joint hearing of the Assembly Higher Education and the Senate Education Committees.
At the hearing for SB 173 in August 2013, Assembly Higher Education Committee members expressed a need for more information about Adult Education before making a decision about 173.
This "oversight hearing" is a response to the need for a better understanding of Adult Education - past, present, and possible future - before making any decisions about SB 173 or anything else that pertains to Adult Ed.
Hit the "read more" link to learn more.
Jeanice Warden-Washington, principal consultant for the California State Assembly Committee Staff, explained to me that 11 of the 13 members of the Assembly Higher Education Committee are freshmen. They need more information in order to fully understand the situation and make the best decisions possible.
She told me that the agenda hasn't been set yet. I asked her how the agenda is determined. She said they take a look at the comments made by committee and staff and then do their best provide the information needed to clarify matters. They seek non-biased and diverse sources of information.
She said the agenda will most likely include information about the Regional Consortia, Community Colleges (how is providing non-credit in combination with fee-based classes working out), amongst other things.
She explained that Senator Liu has until June to move SB 173 forward and until May to amend it.
She also said there will be time at the end of the hearing for public comment. That means if you attend the hearing, you may be able to make a comment.
She also said that you may be able to watch it live on the Cal Channel and/or listen to it live.
I attended the hearing for SB 173 in August and I can tell you it is a very worthwhile experience. You may or may not be able to express your opinion at the end (and you may be limited to just stating your name along with a very brief statement), but that does not make it less worthwhile going. You get a real sense of the how politics work. You get a feel for the people who make the decisions that affect us for generations to come. Your presence reminds them they represent us, the people. And after the hearing, if so moved, you can drop by the Legislators' offices to share your thoughts. Don't worry if you "just" speak with an aide. Aides are important. And you may, in fact, speak with a legislator.
If you're going, get there early so you can get a seat. And then enjoy the beautiful weather we're likely to have and stroll around the capitol, inside and out. It's your capitol!
The hearing, as I see it, came out of a need for more information about Adult Education because of confusion about how to move forward with SB 173.
It is not about SB 173, per se, but what fueled some of the debate about SB173 - the fact it reflects a new, more limited "core mission" approach to Adult Education, amongst other things, will probably be central to the discussion and debate at the hearing.
That is not all it is about, however. This is an oversight hearing on Adult Education - an attempt to get a big picture view of something that has been and still is in a state of deep change.
This is an important opportunity for you to express any thoughts or concerns about Adult Education which you want legislators to know about. Think of it as telling someone what you want for Christmas in the weeks leading up to Christmas - versus in June or July. Now is the time Adult Ed is on their minds. Now is the time they are thinking about Adult Ed. What has worked? What didn't work? What's happening now? What might happen in the future? What is the best for the people of California?
Do you have opinions about the need for more student and staff participation in decision making, the Regional Consortia, the need for support services, rural vs urban, districts flouting the MOE, serving the undocumented, Older Adults, Parent Ed, Home Economics, Financial Literacy, the need for childcare, the connection of Adult Ed with Community Schools, equity between K12 and CC within the Consortia, credential and professional differences between systems? You name it, NOW IS THE TIME for you to express your views!
You can call, email, or write letters to the members of the committees. All the info is below.
As I've learned, the people who answer the phone are usually very nice. They will listen to you and note your opinions. Email will work if you are within someone's district. Regular "snail" mail works for everyone. You can also send a letter to the committees, themselves. I've got links for pretty much everything below.
Working to save and rebuild Adult Education, I have learned that in many ways, we get what we use.
We have not just the right to use our democracy, but the responsibility.
If you care about Adult Education and know information that can help the legislators to make better decisions, now is the time for you to express your views.
I will add the addendum that it took me a fair amount of work to find out what exactly was going on in regards to this hearing. Do I wish that had been easier? Sure. On the other hand, as I tell my daughter, that's sort of how life works. And now I've made the effort and Ms.Warden-Washington was kind enough to explain how things work to me and now all you have to do is to make a call or write a letter in order for the legislators to understand your perspective and take it into account when making decisions that will affect all California, and in a domino sort of way, the whole United States, for generations to come. Yes, you matter.
And there is this:
Background info that might be helpful:
CCAE Legislative Analyst Dawn Koepke's latest Legislative Update which includes info on the new budget and this hearing.
Save Your Adult School blogpost on the hearing and its impact on Older Adults and Parent Ed classes and an update post to that one.
Edsource article about the hearing on 173 last August 2013. There are a number of comments - both pro and con.
AB86 website
Hearing, Committee, and Agenda Info:
Oversight Hearing Agendas There's no agenda yet but it will magically appear there when ready.
Hearing Info:
Wed, Jan 20th, at 9 am, in the State Capitol, Room 4203. (Listen to this hearing.)
Asm Das Williams and Sen Carol Liu are chairs.
Cynthia makes a terrific point about participating in the legislative process. I've had an opportunity to testify about educational issues and indeed it is a worthy experience.