Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Perspective: Marco -- They Have To Know We Have A Voice

Only three ESL students attended the Bay Area Townhall on the new Regional Consortia system for Adult Education.  All three were from San Mateo Adult School.   Marco, the ESL Morning Student Council President, was one of them.

He shares his reflections about the Townhall here:

l have to tell you that after the meeting, I had more questions than answers.  But the next day, l had to find the best way  to report that to my class.  So l came up with the idea of comparing what the consortia is trying to do with Adult School.  It is like when someone tries to organize a birthday party for a friend without even asking  what kind of cake or things this birthday person may need or want.  I guess  what  the Consortia or whoever  is making or will be doing decisions about Adult Education, they have to know that we have a voice and we will continue  making noise until they listen to our demands.   And  l hope it will be changes to be positive.  This is what I think.

Thank you, Marco, for attending the Townhall and for sharing your insights.

We need your voice - and the voices of millions of other Adult Education students across California - past, present and future.

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