Sunday, October 7, 2012

The Privatization of Public Education - Presentation & Discussion

The AFT Teacher's Union, Local # 4681    Presents:

A Presentation & Discussion on
the Privatization of Public Education

Wednesday, October 17, 3:30 PM
San Mateo Adult School, Room 42
789 E. Poplar Ave, San Mateo, CA 
The San Mateo Adult School is next to San Mateo High School,
between Humboldt and Delaware

Presenter:   Jack Gerson, 30 year Oakland high school teacher (now retired), member of the Oakland Education Association, writer and speaker on education issues, one of the leaders of the Lakeview Elementary school struggle to prevent the closure of Oakland schools. 

Note for those who can't attend:
We will be videotaping the events - and will post the video here.
Also:  Consider forming your own discussion group to discuss the following questions and any other questions that come up for you around the topic of public versus private.

Some of the questions posed by Adult School teachers: 

Who are the major players in the privatization movement, and what evidence is there to show what they are doing?

How do you answer those who say, public schools are not all good & charter schools are not all bad.  

What do you say to parents who send their kids to charter schools because the public schools are not doing a good job for their children.

Are there progressive charter schools?      How much privatization is too much?

What can you do when the desired benefits of public education begin to slip away? 

We are playing catch-up to a well-orchestrated hijack of public education. How do we ever catch up to their well-organized coalition and strategy?  

How do we fight against something labeled "reform" without coming off as naysayers only defending the status quo?

We've been thrown on the defensive. How do we take reform in a positive direction as opposed to a negative one?  How do we take the offensive in demanding what we know is right for students and the community?

How do we generate the public will for the funding to support public education at a much more adequate level?

Are there better arguments against austerity than general statements such as we are a rich state or corporations don't pay their share?

What's the difference between a charter school and a magnet school?

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